The third area is themed around The Little Mermaid movie and is another playground for the kids with the majority of the attractions housed in a enclosed area called Triton's Kingdom. I didn't visit this bit as there was nothing for me but those in the group that did visit it said it was really well themed, hardly a surprise to be honest.

Here's another view taken from a short distance away. I think this area is perhaps the smallest of the seven zones but certainly big enough for the kiddies. Triton's Kingdom is in the background beneath that weird sealike architecture. In the foreground is Scuttle's Scooters one of two rides outside the undersea Kingdom.

The other outdoor attraction is "Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster", one of the park's pair of coasters, and the one aimed at the youngsters. Not too bad really but you know what you're getting with these kiddy coasters.

In keeping with the undersea theme, you do get wet as a the ride has a couple of waterjets that spray you. This is the only reason I could think of for including signs banning umbrellas from the ride.

Nothing in this park is put in place without a ton of care and attention given to the theming. You wouldn't get stained glass lampshades within arm's reach at Alton Towers.
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